I like this new feature but, I think it should be split or duplicated into Folder Structure & Picture Filename. All the current place holders or expressions should be available in both.
This would allow me to prefix a path name to a filename. For example, if the Path were /Brooke Burke/ and the website files were img001 - img099, I would like to have PL still put the images in /Brooke Burke/ and also change the filenames to: Burke Burke img001 - Burke Burke img099.
This would require stripping off the "/" for the filename. Basically I would like the abiltiy to control both the Path name & the Filename using all the current expressions.
So I would change the current dialog to effect only the filename. Then add a Customize Path under Folder Struct that would effect only the Path name. This would allow greater flexability.
Also I haven't tried this but I assume that I can add things like a underscore by inserting a +_ by hand. PL, can you confirm this?
Another consideration would be replacing "spaces" with the "underscores" and vice versa.