Here's a few

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Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:32 am

Here's a few

Post by Anon6970 »

1.) It would be nice if the currently running task/s were highlighted in the list as they were being processesed.

2.) Another thing that would be fantastic is if you could move collections around at will without having to have the same directory structure and drive letter (which still doesn't work most of the time). It makes them almost impossible to back up to CD without running the plp from scratch and writing directly to the cd/dvd. This I think is probably the mose important because with this program you can fill a drive up pretty quick.

3.) You guys might want to think about making a database re-builder.
I can't count how many collections are trashed because the plp won't acknowledge that a collection exists within it's corresponing folder.

4.) Also, I'd like to see more interface configuration options... i.e. The ability to toggle which splash screens/response diologs you want. Like why do I have to push [OK] to acknowledge that I've paused or stopped a load?

That's all I can think of right now.....I know there's a few more that slip my mind right now =/
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