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How do I change destination Folders' drive letter?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:14 am
by Ninjaborg
Hi. I hope I didnt miss the obvious answer to this, somewhere, but, if I did, I dont know where else to have looked. Anyway. I have two drives on my machine. I have a 40 gig, that is the main (C) drive, and a 20 gigger, for backup and storage. Well, storage is full and that's where I had the pictures being collected, as picaloader downloaded them. Now it wont collect anymore. How do I tell it to collect all the images to my C drive, and not the storage drive? I need it to direct my project and task pictures to the big drive and not to the small one, as it's doing now. I cant find any console tabs that have anything to do with the subject at all. I'd appreciate the help! I'm not a newbie to Pica, but I'm not a wiz at it iether, So I dont mind a technical answer, but try not to lose me folks. :) Thank you for your help.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:06 pm
by KoalaBear
For example, you have a PicaLoader project at driver D:
You will found a sub-folder in the same folder of project001.plp:
d:\blablabla\project001.files, all downloaded pictures of this project are store in this sub-folder.
Just cut the project file and the sub-folder, then paste to some folder in driver C.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:06 pm
by PicaLoader

With PicaLoader 1.47 or later, you can change destination Folder by select main menu->Project->Properties->Picture Folder

Kind Regards,