
Discuss how to download pictures from websites using PicaLoader.
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Post by 1-d »

Could someone figure out a way to download certain user's pictures from Ipernity.com site?

At a glance it looks quite similar to flickr.com, except for thst you have to buy a pro account to download full-size/original pics.... which sux. Anyway, here is a user account for example:


And this is the URL for the user's all photos:


Click once on a thumbnail you get sent to a slightly bigger size picture page where you can add comment, add to favorites etc. If the user allows it you will also see a magnifying glass icon which will send you to a place where you can select a size of the picture to view, except for the original one as I mentioned earlier.

Yep, for those who are familiar with Flickr this is pretty much the same process. What I want to know is a way to grab whatever the biggest size pictures available. It would be really nice to have a .plt file downloadable just like Flickr site.

Are you listening, KoalaBear? :)
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by junkhoon »

seems to be a site with potentials... anybody got an idea?
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by KoalaBear »

I have not found a picture with magnifying glass icon, could you please give me a URL as sample?
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by 1-d »

I am sorry. You need to sign in (and the picture must be public as well) to see those icons. I guess that's another thing which is different from Flickr. Registration is free, and you could also use your facebook, Windows Live or Yahoo! ID instead.

Anyway the URL for the 'view all sizes' page is as follows:

And the biggest size you can download, in this case, without buying a Pro account is 1024 X 682, and the URL for that is http://www.ipernity.com/doc/michiel2005 ... sizes/1024. What will be challenging is that each picture's dimension is different and so will be the URL (of the biggest pic)....

I just found another user account who does provide original sizes for all his pics.

Here is the url to one of his original size pic.
http://www.ipernity.com/doc/philippedup ... 64/sizes/o

So I guess it's the uploader who must have a Pro account to enable the original size download, not the visitor. My bad.

Now the question is... Could we have a task script that grabs the original size pics if they are available, and the next biggest ones otherwise?
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by KoalaBear »

try this:
Open http://www.ipernity.com with IE, click sign in, enter your account and password, check Keep me signed in on this computer and sign in.
Then keep IE open, run PicaLoader, import the attached .plt file, change the start URL:
for example, you want download pics of user account philippedupuy, the start URL should be: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/philippedupuy/home/photo

have a try and give me a feedback:)
the .plt file
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by 1-d »

Thanks KB. I downloaded & ran the task with the latest version (1.65) of PicaLoader, and I had a mixed result...

First I ran the task with the included URL (http://www.ipernity.com/doc/lea.ipernity/home/photo) and confirmed it started downloading those 'Big' size pics from the user's account. So I stopped the task, and then changed the URL to the philippedupuy's (http://www.ipernity.com/doc/philippedupuy/home/photo) ran the task again... only to see 1000 pages read but 0 pictures downloaded. I ran it again but the result was the same.

Before running each task I did exactly what you suggested. I signed in to the site using IE, with Keep me signed in on this computer option checked and I also made sure the IE window is open and I am still logged in.

Why would the task work with one account but not with the other?
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by KoalaBear »

sorry I miss one case. I had updated the .plt file, please try again:)
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by 1-d »

OK, so here is the rundown on round #2: :)

In a nutshell, the updated task succeeded in downloading big/original size pics... uh, with a couple of minor bumps. One is that it also downloaded all the other smaller-size pics, creating many duplicates of different sizes. I know setting 'Picture filter profile' may help but it won't be the best practice... Secondly I don't know how or why but I saw PL processing some 4000+ pages in the queue, a lot of them with 9 or 10 level deep, and whose URLs don't even make sense - It looks more like concatenated URLs rolled into one, such as http://www.ipernity.com/doc/trova/28854 ... 5426". I know there could be more pics than you initially thought, but no way there are 4000 pages...

And if that's not mind-boggling enough, here is another:
I tried downloading from another user account with the updated .plt file, and it returned 600+ pages processed, 0 pictures and 200+ errors. Please see the attached screenshot. I have no problem browsing through the user's pics in IE, just like all the others. It's not like the user's site requires a special permission or anything...

So there, you have it all now KB. I didn't mean to bug you too much and I can live with what you already provided me with... At least now I have a tool that works for most cases. However I wouldn't mind either if you want to take this as a challenge and dig a little deeper... :wink:
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by KoalaBear »

please try the newest .plt file:)
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by 1-d »

Round #3:

Confirmed fixed
  • downloading smaller size pics
  • queuing excessive number of pages that are either duplicates or don't exist
Still at large
The task still fails to grab pics from certain user accounts, and I think I found out where. Please read on.

PicaLoader errors out whenever the user's account has "Original (w x h) : You have to be pro to download the original" option on 'View All Sizes" page. Instead of grabbing whatever biggest size pics available (Big or Medium) on the page, the task just keeps trying the "Original..." links with bad URLs (http:///pro?reason..., as shown on my previous screenshot) until they all error out. The user accounts that work with the current task don't have the "Original.." option showing.

I am pretty sure this is the last huddle KB... We're almost there...
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by KoalaBear »

please try the newest .plt file and post Round #4:)
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Re: Ipernity.com

Post by 1-d »

Round #4: ALL SUCCESS! :D :D :D

Thanks again KoalaBear... PicaLoader won't look as good as it does now, without your presence in this forum...

You should ask Vowsoft for ample commision. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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